Sophie Marquis
Astrology is the study of the stars' positions at a given time and place. It is based on the symbolic language of the zodiac, and on the planets representing specific parts of our soul.
Astrology is a discipline based on a symbolic language, with its main tool being the natal chart. This chart is invaluable because it provides access to self-knowledge and shows what our soul is made of.
Indeed, we are all composed of multiple facets that come together to form who we are. By identifying these facets through the natal chart and understanding their interplay, we are better equipped to accept ourselves as a whole and achieve fulfillment! Regardless of our culture, upbringing, or beliefs, reading a natal chart enables us to gain deeper self-awareness and reconnect with our most authentic nature.
To achieve this, I use the sky map of your birth. This map is somewhat like the instruction manual for an ultra-sophisticated device, written in a foreign language. The astrologer is someone who speaks this foreign language. Their job is to translate and interpret this manual. The ultra-sophisticated device is you.
By studying transits (real-time updates of planetary positions), astrology offers perspective on the events we face. It also provides an overarching view of our personal growth.
The organization and rhythm of the solar system exist to guide us; respecting and heeding them allows us to live more in harmony with our true nature. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, and stay curious!